advanced assessments


Mental Health Online Assessment ― How Is An Online Mental Health Diagnosis Carried Out?

Psychologists and Expert Witnesses we prepare psychological reports for legal, education and employment needs. We carry out dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, ADHD and mental health assessments ─ in addition to assessments of learning disability. We are video-enabled and have the facility to carry out robust online psychological assessments and online medicolegal reports. Psychologist and expert witnesses: Mental health assessments and medical legal reports [is rated 5/5), psychologists in London, UK and Internationally.


Mental Health Online Assessment ― How Is An Online Mental Health Diagnosis Carried Out?

Psychologists and Expert Witnesses we prepare psychological reports for legal, education and employment needs. We carry out dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, ADHD and mental health assessments ─ in addition to assessments of learning disability. We are video-enabled and have the facility to carry out robust online psychological assessments and online medicolegal reports. Psychologist and expert witnesses: Mental health assessments and medical legal reports [is rated 5/5), psychologist in London, UK and International.

Expert Witness & Psychologist

Expert witnesses what are they? An expert witness is a person who has specialised knowledge in a specific field allowing them to present their opinion about the facts of a case during legal proceedings. What our expert witnesses do: our expert witnesses can assist you in court proceedings ranging from criminal cases to employment cases. Our expert witnesses and psychologists complete medico-legal reports (involving both medical and legal aspects) on mental health and neuropsychological injury for criminal, employment, personal injury, family, immigration and educational cases.

The best psychologists in LondonBirmingham, Manchester, Nottingham and Leicester. Home visits are available, and reports can be prepared within seven days.

Learn More About Mental Health Medico-Legal Reporting

Neuropsychology expert medico-legal assessments are prepared for personal injury claims including: Complex brain and spinal injury cases, where compensation is required for road traffic accident claims and other neuropsychological injury claims. These often include claims for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. In criminal law, our medicolegal psychologists frequently assess witness evidence, fitness to plead, criminal responsibility, special measures, ability to serve a custodial sentence and suitability for parole. Psychologists and psychiatrists are different, while they both trained to assess people the assessment methods they use may differ with psychologists tending to use more objective tests.

Dr Bernard Horsford

Chief Executive, Advanced Assessments Ltd

PhD, D Occ Psych, MBA, MSc, LLB, BA, DipAdEd, DipM, FCIPD, MAPM, MIoD, FIC, MAE, C Psychol, AFBPsS

• Assessments for Employment: Particularly in cases where there has been unfair dismissal or discrimination is claimed.
• Occupational Health Assessments: Occupational health reports to accommodate employees with health conditions or disabilities appropriately. We also provide personality testing and sickness absence reduction assessments.
• Risk Assessments: Our psychologists carry out risk assessments and advise on work-related stress claims. This assessments also include offender risk assessments, and risk assessments in the context of parenting capacity.
• Mental Capacity assessments: Mental health capacity assessments, capacity to conduct proceedings, capacity to make financial decisions, and Court of Protection assessments.

Our medicolegal psychologists work is equally split between defendant and claimant and clients include central government, CAFCASS, HMCTS, CPS, local authorities, insurers, financial services and ‘magic circle’ legal firms.

Expert Witness Psychologist Assessments - we provide

Learn More Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, ADHD, & Learning Disability Tests and Assessments

Special educational needs assessments are carried out to diagnose learning disability. Reports can help individuals obtain extra time in examinations, additional tuition, and free equipment in education. Our reports are also used to support an applicaton for special measures in court. Our psychologist’s reports are prepared to the official standards required by the Department for Education for Disabled Student Allowance.
In criminal law, our medicolegal psychologists frequently assess witness evidence, fitness to plead, criminal responsibility, special measures, ability to serve a custodial sentence and suitability for parole. Psychologists and psychiatrists are different, while they both trained to assess people the assessment methods they use may differ with psychologists tending to use more objective tests.

The assessment process for dyslexia and dyspraxia testing includes a 1 to 2 hour preparatory assessment and a comprehensive face-to-face diagnostic assessment lasting between 3 to 5 hours. At the end of the process, you will receive a 20-page diagnostic report, assessing your needs and giving recommendations for support. You will also receive a 15-page report on reading ability. Adults also receive a 10-page report on intelligence (IQ).

In criminal law, our medicolegal psychologists frequently assess witness evidence, fitness to plead, criminal responsibility, special measures, ability to serve a custodial sentence and suitability for parole. Psychologists and psychiatrists are different, while they both trained to assess people the assessment methods they use may differ with psychologists tending to use more objective tests.

How is the Dyslexia Assessment Carried Out?

Learn More About Autism Assessments

Our comprehensive autism assessments last approximately five hours. Parents undertake a 2-hour diagnostic interview with the psychologist using the Autism Diagnostic Interview. The client then completes intelligence tests. A parent and another professional may also complete the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (ABAS-3) to help diagnose a learning disability.

In criminal law, our medicolegal psychologists frequently assess witness evidence, fitness to plead, criminal responsibility, special measures, ability to serve a custodial sentence and suitability for parole. Psychologists and psychiatrists are different, while they both trained to assess people the assessment methods they use may differ with psychologists tending to use more objective tests.

Learn More Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, ADHD, & Learning Disability Tests and Assessments